Me, Myself, and I: BFFs
Posted on April 6th, 2015
I’ve spent a lot of time alone this year. That might be a taboo thing to say—there is somewhat of a stigma associated with riding solo—but I think it has been really important for me. Even though I have a lot of confidence in my competence as an individual, I am not really known for my independence. I just prefer the company of others and sharing experiences with people I love! When I have a good day at work, the first thing I want to do after I leave is call and text my parents, my boyfriend, my friends, etc. because it enhances my joy to include them in my happiness.
But this year has been a little different. On weekends when I’m in the city, I usually have loads of unstructured time, and while of course I arrange to meet up with friends, I also have long stretches when it’s just me. On these days, I practice being my own best friend. I’m a lovely friend to other people; it’s something on which I really pride myself. I defer to their preferences, I remember what they like and what they don’t like, I really and truly listen to what they have to say. So why shouldn’t I do the same thing for myself? When I’m my own best friend, I get myself flowers. I get pizza with the toppings I know I like best. I stop by a new bakery with myself, I go to the movies, I tell myself my hair looks great, and I wear cute clothes because I want to look good for myself. Ultimately, I try to be as proud of myself as I am of my friends.
This is extremely corny, but it has been extremely effective. I have more love and respect for myself this year than I ever have had in the past. I don’t know why it took me so long to start giving myself what I do for others, but I am very glad I finally got the hint!