
Procrastination Station- May 6

Posted on May 6th, 2015

These first few pieces are for those of you that have a few million dollars you’re looking to burn.  Never fear– I will help you.



If you have about $2 million, I would recommend you buy Zooey Deschanel’s house.  So much charm and character!



Summer is coming up!  If you have a bit more cash at your disposal, I suggest you just skip the hassle and buy your own island so you have somewhere to spend those crazy summer nights.


With basically any major event, my main questions are 1) how can I theme dress for it? and 2) how can I theme eat for it?  Everyone knows Derby Pie (and Mint Juleps!) are Kentucky Derby staples, but NPR investigated what goes into Derby Pie… and discovered it may be a lawsuit waiting to happen!


I totally love love (who doesn’t), and there is something extra special about people who are getting a second chance.  If you read Vanity Fair, you have probably heard the names Leonard Lauder and Judy Glickman– but only in the last year would you have heard them paired together.  Read about their unexpected romance here.  Try not to become too sentimental, or cry happy tears at your desk.  Speaking from experience.



My parting gift to you– puppies!  As curated by T&C.
