
Sunday Snapshot- May 10

Posted on May 10th, 2015

When I said last Sunday I anticipated a fun and exciting week… I was right!



My girl Kimberly was still visiting last Sunday, and it was an A+ morning for meandering through Central Park for brunch on the Upper West Side at Jacob’s Pickles.  I do not want to overstate things, but on a scale of one to life changing brunch experiences I think it was a strong 9.  We were boring and both ordered the same thing– french toast made from homemade buttermilk biscuits topped with a million strawberries– but that was because it looked so incredible we didn’t want to share anything else!  It did not disappoint.  We also ordered a side of poutine, which Kimberly had never had before so it qualified as a Cultural Educational Experience.  Maybe.  Because nothing pairs with biscuit french toast quite like poutine.



When I wasn’t eating this week, I did manage to fit in some time for other activities.  I run in Central Park every single morning, and am slightly embarrassed to admit that a solid percentage of my Instagrams stem from these early morning jaunts.  I couldn’t resist snapping a shot of the beautiful blooms that are all around the reservoir right now– running has never smelled so sweet!  I was so excited to see it re-grammed by the official NYC_Reservoir account later that day.  My fifteen minutes of fame, I guess.



As for many people, Mother’s Day brunch is a big tradition in our family.  Our club does an incredible job, and it always ends up feeling like the kickoff to summer.  I was so bummed not to be able to join my family there today, so I did the best I could spoiling my mother from afar.  I wrote her a normal card and sent a normal gift, too, but I couldn’t resist sending her this fabulous Queen for a Day crown, which I requested she don for brunch.  I also couldn’t resist modeling it myself during my lunch hour on Monday…



Ian and I were in Seattle this weekend (more on that another day), which was so much fun.  I love escaping New York to see other parts of the world!  We didn’t have a ton of time to play tourist on this quick trip, but we did manage to swing by the Space Needle on our run this morning.


And for your weekly inspiration: I have mostly very positive but slightly mixed feelings about Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, but I can’t help chanting the theme song to myself whenever I need a little boost.  (Although males, don’t worry– you, too, can be strong as hell.)