
Procrastination Station- May 13

Posted on May 13th, 2015

Happy Hump Day, y’all! It’s all downhill from here.




Wow.  This New York Times expose on the secret behind-the-scenes workings of nail salons is pretty shocking– not surprising that it’s going viral.  It definitely makes you reconsider partaking in this little luxury in large urban areas.


Trying to do some financial planning?  Check out this chart of how much you can expect to make annually in your dream job.  A valuable reality check– no pun intended.



I enjoyed scrolling through One King Lane’s French Riviera boutique!  I would love to have a leisurely ride on this bike wearing this chic hat.



So much literal LOL at this re-cap of Met Gala ensembles.  A choice highlight: “Anne Hathaway look either like Little Gold Riding Hood or a Grace Jones impersonator.”



Have you all seen My Big Family Renovation on HGTV?  I have, because I’ve seen nearly everything on HGTV, and the Hatmaker family is darling.  Jen Hatmaker, their fearless matriarch, posted a piece on her blog about the difficulties of getting through the end of the school year.  I have trouble buying that she is the worst end of school mom ever, but her description of The Struggle is hilariously real.


To those of you procrastinating finals– good luck, and get back to studying!  

