
Sunday Snapshot- May 17

Posted on May 17th, 2015

It was hardly a quiet week… but it was a fabulous one!




Firstly, I looked really fabulous thanks to the arrival of my latest Rocksbox!  Still loving this service.  I don’t know that I’ll be able to part with this Perry Street statement necklace… #checkplease.  If you’re interested in getting in on the fun (which I do recommend), sign up with promo code HelenBFF51 for your first month free!



My brother Turner has been abroad this semester, but he made his triumphant return to America this week and stopped by New York for a few days first.  My dad was here, too, and it was just so nice to get some time with some of my most favorite guys.



While Turner was here, we crossed an item off my Life List!  On Wednesday, we went to the New York City Ballet at Lincoln Center.  I had seen the Nutcracker several times, but seeing other works was a great experience, and Lincoln Center is such a magical place.  I’m grateful to Turner for coming into town so we had an excuse to go 😉



Thursday night I was able to have a father/daughter date at Fig & Olive, followed by a leisurely stroll along the High Line.  These are the kinds of times I treasure!  Without going into too much detail, I have unexpectedly gotten to spend a whole lot of time with my dad this year.  I am so proud of his accomplishments, but more than anything I am endlessly appreciative of the chance we’ve had to be in New York together.



This weekend, I’ve been steadily crossing items off my to do list.  On this list is planning for a new couch.  It’s no secret I love Society Social, so I ordered a group of fabric samples from them as I prepared to make my selection.  Spoiler alert: I didn’t pick any of these.  Indecisiveness strikes again!



I did indulge in one of my favorite breakfasts yesterday, since my chances to eat Maison Kayser’s almond croissants are dwindling.  Wondering why?  Check back tomorrow!


In the meantime, the cheesiest Disney adage is so apropos for my current juncture in life.  If you’re feeling a little discouraged, remember to keep working and moving forward because…

