
Sunday Snapshot- May 24

Posted on May 24th, 2015


We’ll start out this week’s Snapshot with a super familiar scene…



Are you all tired of me sharing photos of the reservoir at Central Park looking totally beautiful?  Don’t worry, it will all be over soon.  I talk to my mama on the phone each and every day (at least once), and I particularly love when we coordinate to “take a walk together.”  I’ll get my shoes on and head over the four blocks to Central Park, and she’ll take my adorable dog for a loop around the golf course, and even though we’re over a thousand miles apart, it’s a special connection when we get that time to talk about nothing and everything.



My Cardinals came to town this week to face the Mets!  My dad, my bestie from home Hannah, and I were so excited to go together… but it certainly wasn’t like our home turf!  Busch Stadium always has amazing attendance, even for those random mid-week games, but Citi Field………. didn’t.



Remember the aforementioned adorable dog?  I flew home to spend time with my family over the long weekend, so my mom and I walked with our little puppy, Gracie (she’s actually 10 but I’m in denial), to Starbucks on Saturday morning.  She was loving her puppacino.


Speaking of my amazing mother… she has such a green thumb and her rose bushes (and her entire garden) look so beautiful.  This color looks almost fake!


I may pretend like I came home for the pool and our snack bar’s chicken fingers… but really, I came home for this crew.  We live in different parts of the country, our lives are all hectic and crazy, but last night the six of us had dinner together at our absolute favorite restaurant, and it was magical.  My cheeks still hurt from all smiling.  And my tummy is still full from the amazing food.


So there you have it!  And now a big week ahead– Ian is graduating, it’s my last week of working and living in New York… Exciting!  Hope y’all are having a super fantastic long weekend!

