
Procrastination Station- May 27

Posted on May 27th, 2015

Looking for some summer reading?




If you have commitment issues before selecting a new book, try reading this fascinating review in the New Yorker of Edward Follis’s new memoir about his time in the DEA doing undercover work.  If The Dark Art: My Undercover Life in Global Narco-terrorism is half as compelling as the review, it’s sure to be a page-turner.



There are many foods I view as merely a vehicle for eating avocado.  Sushi, salads, sandwiches, omelettes, pizza… I’ll eat avocado on anything.  This list of how to incorporate more avocado into your summer diet speaks to me.  Some of them are unexpected!



Harvard graduation is this week, and I’m really looking to being there and supporting my friends!  I’ve gotten to know Anneli a bit through mutual friends, and have really enjoyed reading her pieces on Huffington Post.  As a cap to her college career, she wrote a mock graduation speech that is really powerful.  I relate a lot to this idea that there is a sense of responsibility (I don’t know that I would say burden) when you have extraordinary opportunities.  I know Anneli will do awesome things to make the world a better place!
