
Sunday Snapshot- May 31

Posted on May 31st, 2015

Welcome, summer!



As I mentioned, I went home Memorial Day Weekend for some time with my family.  The weather forecast for the weekend was horrible, but for once I was so pleased the meteorologists got it wrong.  There’s no where I would rather have spent Memorial Day!



Even long weekends must come to an end, so I flew back to New York on Monday night.  We took an unexpected route into Laguardia, and saw some beautiful views on the way.  It was a poetic way to kick off my final week as a New Yorker.



In the midst of my final New York week, I did have to make a very important trip up north to celebrate Ian’s graduation!  More on this another day, but my heart was very full.  It was sweet of Harvard to make me feel at home with H ice cream sandwiches, too 😉



Saturday we finally got to visit Marta!  Danny Meyer is my favorite restauranteur– he went to my high school, and I’m delusional enough to feel a personal connection to him because of that– and it took me far too long to get to his latest place.  Loved the food (pizza is always my favorite!), but also loved the blue and white pottery and the atmosphere it lent to the meal.



And finally, my latest handiwork!  I made Ian and all of his roommates matching crimson/white keychains, and was also happy to fulfill an order for a sweet follower.  As always, let me know if you’re interested in having a keychain of your own!



Have a great week! If you need me, I’ll be shoving my whole life into boxes and shipping them cross-country.
