
Procrastination Station- June 10

Posted on June 10th, 2015


I’m a little bit early in my friends’ stage of life for the full social media deluge of engagement photos swirling around Facebook and Instagram, but I’ve seen enough Pinterest content to get me started worrying about them.  How does one avoid looking generic without looking aggressively quirky?  Is it even worth trying, or is looking basic inevitable?  Most importantly, do we really need to take engagement photos?  I thought wedding photographers were sufficient in capturing your love…  Anyway, I’m certainly not this negative on the topic, but it turns out I’m not the only one a little confused by the trend in which I’m sure I’ll end up participating anyway.



Video/computer games are very, very, very much not my thing, but I would be lying if I didn’t admit to participating in a little Backyard Sports action as a child.  I’m not talking about actual games played with your neighborhood friends outside– I’m talking about the computer game franchise that included (in our household) Backyard Baseball and Backyard Football.  Reading this ranking of the Backyard Baseball players definitely brought back some memories.  While opinions in the articles I post do not necessarily reflect my own, Spencer is definitely right about Pablo Sanchez.


Have you seen this video yet?  This girl has more sass in her wagging pointer finger than I do in my whole body.  Which, incidentally, is about thrice the size of hers.  Johanna, you go, girl!



We’re definitely not in the styling phase of decorating our apartment (we should probably get actual furniture first?), but I’ve been loving all of the new arrivals in Mackenzie’s boutique!  This jewelry box is particularly lovely (and extravagant!)


Not the most heavy hitting this week… Enjoy the respite before I resume the deluge of more intellectual pieces!
