
That’s a Peach, Hon!

Posted on June 30th, 2015

{Caddyshack reference anyone?}


Fresh produce reigns supreme in summer, of course!  In Seattle, I am lucky to live near the famous and famously touristy Pike Place Market, and we love going every weekend to pick up flowers and fresh produce for the week.  The peaches at our favorite produce stand have been on point recently, so I’ve been incorporating them into just about everything… which includes dessert!


Source: rubylane.com


We have gotten in a habit of hosting dinner parties on Sunday evenings as we build out our social network in the Pacific Northwest, and I make sure to force my love of peach desserts on my guests.  This week, I made a peach pound cake that was the perfect way to showcase those yummy summer flavors.


Cakes are easy because you can pretty much throw all of the ingredients together and let your stand mixer work its magic.  The key here is to mix everything together and then add the peaches last so they only get folded in gently, as opposed to being beaten to a peachy pulp.



I used a bundt pan for this, as I do for most cakes, because it produces an aesthetically pleasing outcome without any skill on your part.  Which is lucky, seeing as I don’t have any.  I did put the cake pan on a tray just in case there was any overflow.  Thankfully, there wasn’t!



For the next approximately 80ish minutes, enjoy the smell of peachy cake filling your home.  It’s as good as it sounds.


And voila!



Nailed it!


Now you try…


3 1/2 cups flour
1 pound of butter (so you know it’s good)
6 eggs
3 cups of sugar
1 tablespoon of vanilla
1/3 cup peach schnapps
1/2 cup of milk
2 cups of fresh peaches, diced


Cook in a well-greased bundt pan for about an hour and twenty minutes at 325 degrees.  I recommend serving with homemade whipped cream– which, for the record, is always worth it.  Serves about 12 people.  We had a lot of leftovers, so I…

a) took them into my closet and ate them in private
b) sent them to work with Ian
c) made more friends
I’ll let you decide which option I chose.

