
Procrastination Station- July 1

Posted on July 2nd, 2015

I know, I know, I haven’t been the best at bringing you regular content recently.  But that sure won’t stop me from providing you with other– dare I say better– things to read.



We are well in the midst of wedding season.  Racked investigates the history behind The Most Important Dress You’ll Ever Wear.  And points out how silly it is that it’s white.  What about stains?  No red wine will be served at my wedding; it’s only logical.



Send some love with these adorable greeting cards from Yellow Owl Workshop!  The watermelon would be just the thing to send when thanking someone for including you at their July 4th bash.  {Thank you notes after someone hosts you are a lovely tradition and should be upheld}


Topical to me, aka extremely important, Mackenzie teamed up with some of her girlfriends to share thoughts on moving in with your Sig O.  I’m still in the phase where, after five years of long distance, it feels too good to be true.  Here’s hoping that unbridled joy lasts forever and ever!


Realistically, I suspect I have days as a stay-at-home mother in my future.  I very much look forward to making my children my primary priority, but reading this perspective on Grown & Flown is important for anyone thinking they may bow out of the workforce.  Ultimately, it’s a deeply personal decision, but they encourage us to go into it with eyes wide open.



Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays (tied for second, or third, can’t decide), and it has me craving all sorts of big time Americana.  Waiting on Martha understands me, and provides ways to spruce up your prepackaged wieners and buns.  Pardon my language.  Now to find some pie…
