
Update: Maximizing Summer

Posted on August 21st, 2015

It has come to my attention that in 10 days it will be September???  No thank you.


Remember this list I put together just after Independence Day of things I wanted to do in my quest not to waste my favorite time of year?  You, dear readers (or should I say “reader”– hi, Mom!), hold me accountable, so I wanted to update you on my progress.


  • Go to another Mariners game. 

Did this one!  Went to the singalong/fireworks night.  I would be lying if I said I knew who their opponent was, though… I’m a National League girl.

  • See two movies. 

Trainwreck (good!) and Minions (bleh)

  • Take a weekend trip to Victoria on Vancouver Island.

This little Canadian jaunt has been postponed due to budgetary reallocation.  I spent a lot at the Anniversary Sale It happens.


  • Enjoy a beach day (or two!)

Done!  We’re becoming fans of Alki Beach in West Seattle.  Easily accessible, and cute restaurants along the water when you need a taco break.

  • Host another dinner party.

Check! I attempted to make scallops… I would give them a solid 6/10.  But 10/10 for effort?

  • Hike at Mount Rainier.

Still working on this one… it’s far!


  • Read two more books– your suggestions here would be SUPER welcome

I read The Dinner on vacation last week– I really liked it.  It’s a little bit creepy, but well-written with an interesting premise, and makes you think about what you would do in a similar situation.  One down, one to go.  I also ordered this one today, and I’m looking forward to getting started this weekend!

  • Try a zumba class at my new gym.

…maybe some other time.


  • Run a half marathon.  

I ran the See Jane Run half marathon here in Seattle– it was my fastest half yet!

  • Send postcards to my friends (and grandmother) because snail mail is irreplaceable

I technically did send a postcard… but there’s room for improvement.


  • See a Seattle sunset from a prime vantage point.  

Golden Gardens beach on a gorgeous late July night


Not half bad, if I do say so myself.  And bonus: I practiced my diving last week at Mohonk.



…I think I still have some work to do if I’m going to make the team for Rio.
