
Cutting Remarks

Posted on August 31st, 2015

There are some people who would say I’m not very spontaneous.  And then there are the others, who would say that I’m the least spontaneous person they have ever met.  To all those people I say… You’re probably right.  But!  Over the weekend, I took a little break from my usual personality to do something very out of character.

I got my hair done.


I am aware that this is in fact an activity common to people everywhere, and that there are many people who get more than “just a trim” at their local Supercuts every four months.  Yet I had not been among that fancy group in the past.  My bank account praised me for it, but my hair did not.


I will freely admit that an aspect of this sudden change comes from my reluctance to give up being blonde.  When I was little, my hair wasn’t so much as blonde as devoid of color, though as it does for most of us, had steadily grown darker in the subsequent two decades.


Clearly, I was a child artiste.  Suddenly this past year, I realized it wasn’t growing in blonde at all, and that it just kind of hung their like a (well-maintained) drab curtain.

So I set about collecting hair inspiration.  I definitely didn’t want anything too drastic in either cut or color.  No bangs, and no bleach that you could tell from across the street was a bottle job.  One step at a time here!  Two favorites emerged:



Kate Middleton, but not the bangs one.  I’m aware that she doesn’t make a public appearance without a team of stylists, but I figured I should dream big.  If you don’t want to look like Kate… I don’t believe you.



And Sydney Carver of Summer Wind.  What I like so much about Sydney’s hair is that it looks great straight, wavy, or curled, up or down.


Love that versatility.  And back to the spontaneity thing… I decided to do this on Saturday night and called and made an appointment for Sunday afternoon.  I knew I would probably chicken out (read: cheap out) if I didn’t rip it off like a band-aid.  Armed with my inspiration photos (thanks HRH Kate and Sydney!), I walked to the salon.



Guys, salons are different from Supercuts.  Just so you know.
So after a so-called partial foil, cut, and disbelief from stylist Rae-Ann that I had never done this before…



We had a final product with which I am really happy!  Subtle, classic, but much, much more adult.  Now if only I could always get my hair to look as good as it does when you first leave the salon…