
Procrastination Station- September 16

Posted on September 16th, 2015

Let’s start with Start!



These days, much of my life inspiration comes from two sources: 1) Watching TED talks 2) Reading blogs.  I think a heavy dose of real life inspiration would be AH-mazing.  I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what my big life passion might be, and I still have only the very vaguest of ideas (which is okay!).  But I’m itching to attend the inaugural Start Conference in San Francisco to continue the exploration!  If you’re local and/or can go, please Facetime me in for all the sessions.


Real talk: it really bugs me when marketers utilize buzzwords while fueling ignorance.  There are so many mixed messages swirling around the food industry.  Matt Teegarden wants to step in provide a positive voice for the science, and I love how he’s going about it.  He’s encouraging consumers to think critically, and I love it!




The fashion photo gallery from the recent Swedish royal wedding is incredible.  Something for everyone: fake tans, a “who wore it better?”, tiaras, babies, geriatrics…. Do you think I’ll be overdressed if I wear this to my cousin’s wedding next month?



We are so excited to be headed south for a weekend in Los Angeles!  We’re still finalizing our itinerary, but I’m definitely using this Wall Street Journal piece for inspiration.  I love all of their weekend guides.  Can’t wait for some warm sunshine!



PS Anyone have LA travel tips?
