
Wedding Wednesday: Kick Off

Posted on October 22nd, 2015

In case you missed it… I’m engaged!  And while I personally devote an alarming amount of my brain power to thinking about one little weekend 10 months from now, I am attempting to spare you the daily drivel.  So I thought maybe I would limit it to an occasional Wedding Wednesday?


You’re welcome.


So, the basics.  Ian and I grew up together in St. Louis, so there was never any doubt that we would be married there.  Even though almost none of our friends live there anymore, my family is still there and it’s in the middle of the country.  We also had a clear idea for the reception venue.  My grandparents were one of the very first weddings at our club, which has always been an important part of my family, so it will be extra special to dine and dance in the same place they did 59 years ago.


But beyond that… clean slate!  Which it turns out is both exciting and complicated.  There are so many elements to pull together and decisions to be made, and what is tricky is they have to be made so they can all work together.  For example:


I like all three of these cakes.  I would be genuinely pleased to have any of these at my wedding.  But they’re clearly pieces of very different larger puzzles– casual vs. formal vs. fun, modern/chic vs. classic vs. whimsical.  And I like to think Ian and I are multi-dimensional people, so a range of wedding aesthetics could fit with our personalities.


I asked Ian for input.  “My darling fiance,” I said, “What elements do you picture at our wedding?  What’s your vision?”


“As long as we have craft beer, I think we’ll be fine.”


So that was helpful.


At this stage in the game, I’ve actually found the real weddings on Style Me Pretty to be a more helpful resource than Pinterest.  Pinterest is great for researching specific elements, but I’m almost not ready for that yet– what I need is guidance on an overall look.  Style Me Pretty allows you to search by location, season, venue… just what I need!



Though south of the Mason Dixon line most people wouldn’t technically classify St. Louis as southern, but I do love lots of elements of this “Elegant Southern with a Playful Twist” wedding.  Not going to lie, I’ve hardcore stalked that dress…



I also like aspects of this wedding.  Minus, you know, the nautical part.


We’ve just started dipping our toe into the details– event branding, entertainment, the wedding planner– and I can’t wait to share more in the coming months!  My philosophy is pretty much to check off as many boxes in the first few months as possible.  That way, next summer will be smooth sailing.


