
New Neutral

Posted on October 26th, 2015


I tend to really invest in wardrobe stables– both financially and emotionally.  Besides my most favorite party shoes, I only own two pairs of heels; I have these Cole Haan pumps (on sale!) in both nude and black.  I own two identical pairs of these jeans, and no other denim.  When I find something I really like, I am reluctant to replace them.


…But this reluctance might be getting a little out of hand.  Yes, my trusty pair of nude flats had a hole in the bottom– on both shoes– but it wasn’t that big of a deal.  Right?  I explained this to Ian on Friday morning, saying, “I should be fine.  It’s not even supposed to rain today, so my feet will stay dry…”  He stared at me dumbfounded for a moment.  And then told me to get new shoes before I came home from work.



We had been through a lot of puddles of sticky beer together, but even I can recognize that it is high time I put them out to pasture.


My search began on Friday afternoon, as I scoured Nordstrom’s online shoe selection… but nothing really stood out.  I was excited to see the J. Crew Cece and Kiki flats, but Cece was too dark and Kiki was too light.  I was looking for something just right.  Plus, I don’t trust me with a near-white shoe.


So off I went to Nordstrom.  I tried on the new Reva, which was the perfect color but made my bunions hurt.  #grannystatus  A persuasive salesman also convinced me to try the beautiful Chloe Lauren scalloped flat, but much to my relief they didn’t fit my foot that well.  $500 crisis averted.  I ended up leaving with a replacement pair of the Caroline flat, which I knew was a good decision.  I had coveted the Caroline flat for more than a year before impulsively pulling the trigger in 2013, but I clearly had gotten my money’s worth.  Plus, with the amount it rains in Seattle, I thought the patent leather might hold up better.


But why stop at one Nordstrom when you can go to two?  I headed to a different location Saturday afternoon because they carry Tory Burch’s latest flat innovation: the Minnie travel flat.  And it was instant love– easily the most comfortable flat I’ve ever encountered!  To quote one esteemed internet reviewer, “like walking on marshmallows.”  I couldn’t agree more, DBFlorida.



But be warned: they are cut very generously.  I wear a size 9 in the old Reva, an 8.5 in the Caroline, and an 8 in the new Minnie.  The leather is super soft, but I do think it will stretch with wear, as well.  Given the added comfort of the split sole, I have no trouble imagining walking several miles (preferably through Paris with a croissant and a latte) in these babies



(For reference– old Reva on the left, new Minnie on the right)


So if you’re in the market for flats, I definitely suggest the Minnie.  And in two years when I wear holes through these, too, I’ll be sure to share my latest recommendation.

