
Trim the Tree

Posted on December 3rd, 2015

I wrote about how special ornaments can be on Monday, and it’s really true.  Each one is unique and seems to have a distinctive meaning, and trimming the tree can easily be a trip down Memory Lane.  Of course, I’m just starting to add those kinds of special pieces to our Christmas tree, and we certainly had some holes to fill on our tree this year.  I did a little shopping (obviously) and found some amazing little options.  So I made this tree for you….



I know.  I’m practically a graphic designer.  I snagged a Kate Spade bow ornament— you might notice the official name is the “tacky bow ornament,” but if this ornament is wrong, I don’t want to be right.  We also got a football for our tree since, in addition to a general love for the game, football featured prominently in my most memorable moment of the year!  Our tree is eight feet tall, and I love basking in the glow of those golden lights every evening.



Ornaments make the best gifts, too!  They’re a great way to honor someone’s personality, and usually without breaking the bank, too.  Starbucks for the caffeine lover, or a delicious spread for the sushi devotee…  Personally, I need this stand mixer ornament!



Hint hint.  See a selection of beauties here:
