
How to Not Give Your Mom Earrings for Christmas Again

Posted on December 10th, 2015

Given how completely obsessed I am with my mom, I dream about surprising her with an over-the-top Christmas gift.  I would love to be really making her feel special with a weekend getaway or an amazing pair of shoes under the tree, but that is regrettably not in this girl’s budget.



There are always the old stand-bys, like these Kate Spade earrings or these gloves, but, if you’re like me, you do that every year.  Real talk: I have probably given my mom six pairs of Kate Spade earrings.  She wears them and loves them, but they don’t exactly scream, “I was thinking of you and you alone when I picked these out.”  If you’re looking to do something a little unique or more personal, either as a bonus gift or a stand-alone item, try one (or more!) of these budget-friendly ideas:


  1. Lotion/shampoo from your favorite resort.  Scent is the strongest sense tied to memory, and if your family has a special place you love to go, your mama will love being transported there while pampering herself in the morning.
  2. An ornament from the city in which you live. If you’ve moved far away, share that with your mom with a Space Needle (just a random example obvi) or a skyscraper.
  3. Donate to her favorite charity.  Nothing says “Look Mom! I’m an adult!” like voluntary charitable giving, especially for a cause that means a lot to her.
  4. A bottle of wine from the year you were born.  Because wine is fancy and old wine is even fancier.  Check out this website for sourcing a few options.
  5. A Rocksbox subscription.  This is like giving her the Kate Spade earrings… but next level.  She’ll be able to tailor the pieces to what she wants, and keep her look fresh.  (Use promo code helenbff51 for a free month!)


Since she’s your mom she will probably love you no matter what you end up choosing… but she just might love you more if you go with one of these.
