
Maintaining the Sparkle

Posted on February 3rd, 2016

I’m not afraid to admit it.  Every time someone asks to see my ring, I am excited about being engaged all over again.  It’s such a joy, and Ian picked a winner, so I’m happy to share!  Many girls– myself included– work to keep well-manicured nails for showing off their ring, but these friendly observers are not really interested in the color of polish I chose.  They want to see the sparkle!!!


My at-home cleaning methods cannot compete with the professional steam cleaning at the jeweler, but it definitely does the trick in maintaining the shine I first saw on that beach in Malibu.  Ready for my high-tech, fancy secret?




If you, too, are feeling fancy and want to keep your rings looking sparkling, I highly recommend trotting to the drug store and picking up a bottle of Windex of your very own.  Windex is an ideal product here because it’s designed specifically to leave absolutely no residue that might leave a film on your diamond.



I clean my rings about every two weeks by mixing about a tablespoon of Windex with a splash of water, and dropping the rings in for about 20 minutes.  When I take them out, I rinse them thoroughly, and take 3-5 minutes to just admire them.  That’s a requisite step, by the way.


See?  Works like a charm.  On my mom’s most recent visit, we put her rings in, too… Let’s just say it revealed the importance of regular cleaning to fight build up.


I guess Gus and those Greeks might have been on to something…

