
Buy the Warranty

Posted on March 6th, 2016


When you’re making a big purchase, the last thing you want to do is spend more money on it, let alone weed through the legal jargon on a dense warranty document.  But let’s say this time you do buy the warranty.  Can you ever imagine a scenario where you say, “ugh, if only I had not bought that stupid warranty!  what a waste!”  Maybe I am just speaking for myself here, but I imagine even if funds were low at the end of a month I would a lot more critical of my Starbucks and chopped salad habit than of a sense of security I had purchased.


I have had two recent circumstances where I was just so glad to have had a warranty on the books.  In October, I finally replaced my pre-college laptop.  “Laptop” in this instance is a misnomer because it was in fact too old and clunky to be unplugged and moved.  I got a beautiful new Mac Book Air with a side of that pricey Apple Care.  The difficulties with this computer set in nearly instantaneously, but I limped along until January.  Once Ian convinced me that it really isn’t normal for a brand new computer to shut off without any explanation, I took my computer back to the store.  They ran the diagnostics and gave me a new one, no questions asked.


On a more sentimental note, I was so sad this fall when I noticed a diamond had fallen out of the beautiful right hand ring Ian had given me on the fifth anniversary of when we started dating.  The peridot center stone is very meaningful for me, as it is both my birthstone and the birthstone of my beloved grandmother and great-grandmother– it was a very sweet, sentimental selection.  After noticing that I wasn’t wearing the peridot ring as much, I confessed to Ian what had happened.  He reminded me that he had bought a warranty on the ring that covered all manner of repairs, and I was ecstatic when it came back as good as new this week!


All of this is to say that you’re much, much more likely to be glad you did buy a warranty than wish you hadn’t.  One of those delicate grown up matters I am learning is that some expenditures are better than saving, and I think this really qualifies. So, take the chance; protect your favorite and most important things.  Worry less, and live more!