
Beauty Reset with Farfetch

Posted on March 13th, 2016

The past few years have been a little rough for my skin.  Hardly a glamorous admission, but true.  Most people link bad skin to oily teenage boys who got their dad’s old sedan for their sixteenth birthday last week, but my skin problems really set in after I started college. In fact, some studies estimate as high as 54% of women have some degree of acne.  It’s practically trendy.


Maybe due to a new environment or added stress, but for some reason things really surged when I moved to Seattle.  Not something a twenty-something in a new city with a new job wants to be dealing with.  When I went to see a new dermatologist just after getting engaged last fall, he said “Ummm… how long do we have until your wedding?”  So that was reassuring.



I’m probably jinxing myself with this kind of proclamation, but after six months of trial and error, things are more under control, but my skin does show some damage.  Besides the prescriptions, I’ve been sticking with super neutral, drugstore products and my trusty makeup favorites… but I know I would probably see great returns were I a bit more adventurous.


Enter Farfetch!  They reached out to me a few days ago about their new beauty section, a perfect addition to their dazzlingly impressive selection of designer apparel and accessories.  Just the nudge I needed to start thinking more creatively about everyday maintenance options, particularly to help my skin look a little brighter and more even as it heals.



Brightening Cream // Eve Lom Moisturizer // Makeup Remover // BB Cream


So many good options!  Plus then I browsed through their whole shoe section, too, just to make sure no beauty products had been misfiled.  I’m not sure these pumps would help my skin, but they would definitely help my life.
