
Wallpaper Wake Up

Posted on May 2nd, 2016

When you’re in school, it feels like something is always just around the corner.  It’s back-to-school season, or finals, or spring break, or football season.  Things change in a meaningful way every few months, whether you’re starting a new set of classes or relocating for an internship.  One thing to which I’m still adjusting about life post-academia is how much everything runs together.  I think of the various times of year as the holidays, summer (essentially just July and and part of August, when some of your coworkers may be on PTO), and everything else.  More aptly at Nordstrom, we have Holiday, Anniversary, and everything else :-)


I try to do what I can to note the passage of time at the beginning of every month.  I look through the calendar, think about the upcoming weeks both professionally and personally, flip over my Nico & Lala monthly desk calendar, and to really keep my life fresh and exciting, I change my computer desktop.  Such a little thing, but it’s as close as we twenty-somethings get to the thrill of buying new school supplies.



I rotate between a few sources that put out some great monthly options:


  • Evelyn Henson– the source of the darling champagne option above!  I have her lemon print on my work computer right now.
  • Ivanka Trump– random, yes.  But some of them are surprisingly gorgeous (They haven’t put up their May options, yet, be patient!)
  • May Designs
  • Sugar Paper– always keeping it simple and elegant
  • Ashley Brooke Designs– for when you’re feeling a little sassy
  • Oh So Beautiful Paper– this stationery design blog features all sorts of designs, and their monthly downloads round up is one of the best
  • Avocados– if you’re feeling Cinco de Mayo
  • #hustle– I LOVE this one.  Definitely my next pick.  I might even go crazy and mix it up mid-month!



Changing your desktop is also a good way to add a pop of color and personality to your beige cubicle life without going full-on pink feather pen and losing your credibility.  As they say, it’s the little things!  Use this as an opportunity to choose a little joy for yourself.