
Wedding Wednesday: 100 Days

Posted on May 18th, 2016

I wasn’t going to be That Bride who gets That Phone Case.  But then I saw the name, and it seemed meant to be.  Speaking of meant to be… The Nightingale Nuptials are in 100 days.  And I have lots to say about every single design element of the fun parties we’ll be throwing to celebrate in late August.  But it seemed important to take a step back and do something a little different today.  Humor me?



Dear Ian,

In 100 days, I will become your wife.  In terms of our wedding, we have a lot to do.  This is crunch time.  For the next 100 days, I will be talking your ear off about linen selections and readings and dessert tables and favors and welcome baskets.  I will text you at work, which I know you hate.  In the evenings, you will have to lick several hundred envelopes.  You will be measured and remeasured for your tuxedo alterations.  You will have to write vows to read in front of our friends and family.  It’s all a little stressful, we’re running around like chickens with our heads cut off, and we kind of have no idea what we’re doing.


But when it comes to our marriage, I have never felt so singularly calm and assured.  Every day, you show me just what a wonderful partner you are and will continue to be– and you make life so much fun!  You know I’m already committed to us, and our future together.  And I can’t wait to say it out loud in 100 short days.


The wedding is just a big party, and the only party favor I need is a marriage with you.


And sorry in advance if I devolve into Bridezilla. Remember that it’s still me on the inside.



