
Follow Friday

Posted on May 20th, 2016

Ian is out of town and I’m gearing up for a pretty boring weekend (work!  studying for work!  grocery shopping!), so I thought I’d kick you over to some social media socialites who will keep you entertained and inspired as you’re perusing Instagram while waiting after you put your name in for brunch tomorrow.  (Why don’t more of the best places take reservations??  I love planning ahead for a reason!)



Town & Country Magazine (@townandcountrymag)– A pretty good variety of subjects and images… and by “variety,” I mean while still staying within the narrow bounds of my aesthetic.


Kate the Wasp (@katethewasp)– A satire account run by a woman who went to Vanderbilt (Go Dores!) that sometimes hits a liiiiittle too close to home.  Sometimes it’s good to check yourself, you know?


Front Door Project (@thefrontdoorproject)– Deb chronicles gorgeous and charming front door vignettes with history, and mostly with a New England vibe.


Ashley Fine (@onefinea)– I love her blog, so naturally I love following her day-to-day small town Texas escapades.  Sometimes, I feel like I know more about Swell Rio than I do about Seattle.  Also, Max is adorable.


Evelyn Henson (@evelyn_henson)– Easy breezy colorful eye candy!  The animated illustrations she releases are the best.


Emily Ley (@emilyley)– The founder of Simplified Planner, I appreciate the realness Emily brings while juggling small business owner and mama to three little ones.  If anyone can have it all, I believe Emily can!


How He Asked (@howheasked)– For all you other softies and romantics, please join me in crying over the proposals of people you will never meet.  Submit your own story if you’d like, but if you’re not re-gaining movement in your legs after a spinal injury so you can walk down the aisle, you probably won’t get selected.


New York Times Vows (@nytvows)– …and a less sappy view of marriage.  A parody account of the prestigious NYT marriage announcements.  You may feel inspired to play Matrimonial Moneyball with your own marriage just to see how you score.


Grace Patton (@camp_patton)– Parenting may not always be glamorous, but with Grace, it’s always funny.  My favorite was a recent caption accompanying a picture of her youngest daughter in front of a messy bathroom: “When I asked her who smeared the toothpaste (in her hand) all over the mirror she didn’t think twice before answering, ‘Jesus’ #raisingsaints”


…and if you want, you can follow me, too! @giftrapp
