
Raincheck for Charleston

Posted on June 6th, 2016

Sometimes life is a little tiny bit unexpected.  Like when you plan to have your bachelorette party in Charleston, a place you’ve always wanted to visit, but you suddenly find yourself heading straight into the center of an unseasonable tropical storm.












We had plans for lounging by the pool at our gorgeous pink hotel, riding beach cruisers on coastal paths, and watching for dolphins on an afternoon booze cruise.  But this particular visit to Charleston brought different plans.  Tons of shopping (Moon & Lola, Candlefish, Julep, and Palm Avenue were particular favorites).  And eating (Husk, Darling Oyster Bar, Jeni’s, Peace Pie…).  The rain even paused on Sunday evening, allowing for drinks at Stars.  I loved my rainy Memorial Day run around the perimeter of Charleston, ogling dreamy houses as I went by.
We didn’t get sunshine (well, we did get 35 minutes.  My bridesmaid Julia timed it).  What we got in Charleston was time to slow down and do nothing together.  Getting to spend three days with your best friends is truly an incredible gift.

And Charleston, I definitely didn’t get enough of you. I’ll be back soon.
