
Life Lately

Posted on July 18th, 2016

Things are just a little bit chaotic around here– but with all great things!  Most notably, the Nightingale Nuptials are in just over six weeks.  Wow!!!!  But the action (and to do lists) don’t stop there.  While I haven’t been blogging…



…I sent out my wedding invitations.  We’ve been working with Nico & Lala every step of the way (remember our Save the Dates?), and the way they brought the elements all together in our invitations is breathtaking.  I’ll share more later, but Nico & Lala posted a sneak peek on their Instagram in case you can’t wait!



…I celebrated at the most darling bridal shower with a gaggle of girls who have grown up like sisters to me (and their moms).  We shared lunch and mimosas at the restaurant where Ian and I shared our first one-on-one date, which was really special.  I know the wedding day will be a total whirlwind, so I loved having the chance to celebrate the future with those girls without other distractions.



…the sun burst through at the end of the rainiest Independence Day weekend for a gorgeous July 4th evening!  Ian and I went home to St. Louis over the three day weekend in part for my bridal shower, but in part to enjoy a final holiday in my family house.  When it comes to favorite holidays I have a tough time choosing between July 4th, Thanksgiving, and Christmas, but it was so special to have one last chance for summer memories in our old stomping grounds. The next time we’ll be in Missouri will be for the wedding!



…we selected paint colors for our new apartment and had our apartment painted.  We moved at the end of June and couldn’t wait to start building a home here, and we’re on our way!  Pink Panther didn’t quite make the cut, though 😉



…I’ve been cooking and eating ALL the produce.  Pictured above: caprese salad with grilled peaches, grilled corn, and yellow tomatoes.  Yummy!!!



…I’ve taken 1 million pictures of flowers.



…my mom visited Seattle!  My wedding dress fitting brought her out here, but we turned it into the most amazing weekend.  Including a long hike in the Snoqualmie Pass, pictured above!



…I’ve realized all of my stationery has an expiration date, so I’ve been making lots of list and sending lots of snail mail.


In summary: a move, a wedding, out of town visitors, and to do lists a mile long.  I can’t promise I’ll be back here with y’all as much as I’d like, but I’ll do my best!  And if you’re missing me too much in the meantime, Instagram is always there waiting for you.
