
Recent Recipes

Posted on July 26th, 2016

Another round up of recent recipes!  I love playing with summer flavors, and the grill we have on our deck at our new apartment has made that easier than ever.  A lot of the meals I have been making recently have really just been “drizzle produce with olive oil, salt, and pepper, grill, eat, the end”– not worth a recipe.  But I’ve had a lot of fun exploring more legitimate recipes in our new kitchen, too.  Some highlights:



Peach Pulled Pork with Apple Slaw– This is by far the easiest pulled pork recipe I’ve ever made, which is absolutely worth something, although I do think other recipes have offered a bit more flavor.  We actually loved the slaw!  So many coleslaw recipes call for a gallon of mayo, so it was awesome to find a lighter preparation.


Peach & Prosciutto Flatbread– Sensing a theme?  I want peach everything, all day, every day.  When I can sneak it into a savory recipe, it’s all the better!


Chicken Caesar Burger– Who knew ground chicken should have so much flavor?  Who knew parmesan crisps were so easy to make?  I grilled these on the barbecue, ditched the bun and lettuce wrapped these and added thick, juicy slices of tomatoes, so it was basically like the love child of a Caesar salad and a hamburger.  A gorgeous mix.


5 Minute Romesco Sauce– Remember all that produce we should be eating in the summer?  This sauce is a perfect supporting cast member.  Incorporating the almonds sounds unexpected but adds an extra protein/healthy fats kick, so eating only zucchini for dinner feels less weird.


PF Changs Lettuce Wraps– I promise these were just as tasty, if not more so, than the version you order at our favorite faux Chinese restaurant.  And meaningfully healthier, too!


Chilled Black Bean and Corn Salad– Last night’s dinner! I made a big batch of this, and while a larger portion makes a perfect dinner, a smaller serving is excellent as a side dish (and on the menu here tonight, too!).  I think cherry tomatoes would be a wonderful addition.


Chicken Guacamole Burger– I tried to skip the egg and cook these on the grill.  Don’t be like me.  Food bloggers know what they’re doing; I know how to cut corners.  (The flavors were DELICIOUS, but the texture was entirely wrong)  Again, ground chicken is totally transformed into something much more edible than its usual cardboard presentation.


Crust-less Spinach and Feta Pie– I got down from my Quiche Queen throne to give this pie a try, and I’m glad I did!  The cheese is (obviously) the shining star.


And because I like to keep it real…


I tried this Green Pea and Chickpea Falafel Recipe, and it was so bad that we threw it away and ate popcorn for dinner.


I find new recipes almost every day, so follow this Pinterest board to see what I’m making for dinner, this board to see what I’m making for dinner parties, and this one to see what my stand mixer is up to.