
Manhattan for a Minute

Posted on November 10th, 2016

Because Ian and I can’t seem to go five minutes without taking a trip, we swapped coasts and flew to New York last weekend!  I may not really miss the hassle that goes with living in Manhattan, but it was so fun to visit our friends and some of my favorite haunts.  It was also my first time visiting my parents since they moved to the city full-time in September, and though I admit it was a little emotionally weird, it was good to see the place they now call home.  I hadn’t spent time in NYC since I moved in June 2014, so it was long overdue.








That last picture is the view from my parents’ apartment.  Not bad, right?


We had two particularly important occasions to celebrate.  On Saturday, I went wedding dress shopping with my best friend.  Who knew it’s more fun to look at dresses when you don’t have the stress that goes with being the one getting married?  She is going to be a stunning bride!  She looked a handful of places, including Lovely Bride downtown.  The only thing that could convince me to leave their gorgeous waiting room was their dress selection!  Ian and I also squeezed in a half marathon training run in Central Park on Saturday morning, which is my favorite place to run in the world.


Speaking of running… my little brother, Turner, ran the New York Marathon on Sunday!  It was his fourth marathon, and he is seriously fast.  It was a picturesque morning in New York– perfect for watching the runners and getting excited for my own race in January.


I will be back in New York for our first family Christmas in the city, so it was less of a goodbye and more of a see you later.  And there’s nothing like the holidays in New York!
