
Marketing Jingle

Posted on December 2nd, 2016

Since I started working in marketing a few years ago, I’ve become invested in following companies and campaigns that offer something special and have a strong point of view.  After a year of political doom & gloom droning from my TV, this season of holiday happiness is particularly welcome!  I’m a bit unusual in that I’m highly analytical but also highly emotional, the combination of which in this context means I am able to analyze exactly what emotional tactics are being employed on me even as I’m crying over a benign depiction of a bird in the snow.  It happens to the best of us.


I pulled together some of my favorite videos of the holiday season thus far.  They key themes: adorable kids, fun tunes.  Typical.  For ease of differentiating, I put an asterisk (*) next to the things that made me cry.



Ebay, The Giver- Sweet, happy, simple.  The song definitely makes it!  Ebay’s differentiating factor is the uniqueness of their items, and this plays into that perfectly.



*H&M with Wes Anderson, Come Together- You may have already seen this one since it instantly went viral!  H&M consistently offers great product collaborations, so it makes sense that this would extend to their  marketing, as well.  Downside: the commercial doesn’t scream H&M to me.  Upside: I wouldn’t otherwise be writing about H&M marketing, but here we are.


*Marks & Spencer, Mrs. Claus- Coming at you from across the pond, this M&S ad is exactly the feminist feel good message you didn’t know you needed this holiday season.  PS I miss my brothers.


Nordstrom, Thank You- Hello, biased.  But hear me out!  I love this because it’s uplifting (no sadvertising here!) and so, so on brand.  Nordstrom is all about the interaction with the customer, and giving real life employees the opportunity to say thank you to the ones who define their work life is genius.  Also, Golden Girls.


Clearly my favorites, pictured above.  “Tiny gentlemen needs”?  Amazing.



To the Top, Kate Spade- Another option that favors a lighthearted flair this season, Kate Spade’s campaign features a familiar predicament.  The fashion faux pas of having a “who wore it better” moment is relatable, and Miss Piggy adds the perfect dose of signature Kate Spade whimsy.



*John Lewis, Buster the Boxer- Another British high five!  Everyone’s dreams can come true at Christmas, right?


I haven’t seen anything yet this year I’ve liked quite so much as Microsoft’s 5th Avenue singalong last year, but I suppose you can’t beat perfection.  Any other winners I’m missing?