
Happy New Year!

Posted on January 2nd, 2017

So far, the most stressful part of the year has been trying to decide what pen to use on my new Erin Condren planner.  I couldn’t decide, so I went with all the pens.  New year, same me.


I love this whole “observed New Years Day” thing giving us an extra long weekend, and I’m not feeling ready to rejoin the real world tomorrow.  Neither is Ian– he’s insisting we keep our Christmas tree up “just one more day.”  Check back in in April to see whether it is still collecting dust in the corner.  We took long walks, I made the traditional New Years Hoppin’ John, we watched so much fabulous football, and as the clock struck midnight on New Years Eve we were watching fireworks over the Space Needle on the street in front of our building while wearing pajamas.  We were in bed by 12:10.


As the holiday season comes to a close, I hope you’re feeling recharged, inspired, and rejuvenated by the love and goodness around you, whether that comes from time spent with family and friends, extra good champagne, or the promise of new beginnings in a new year.  I look forward to sharing mine with all of you!
