
Friday Five

Posted on July 7th, 2017

With the wonky Tuesday holiday I woke up unsure what day it was nearly every day this week… but not today!  Work has been extra crazy with the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale right around the corner (my credit card is ready), but we’re gearing up for a sunny city weekend and looking forward to it.


Speaking of time in the city, we had a very New York July 4th.  After a fun long run in the morning with my mom along Battery Park and up the Hudson, my parents, Ian, and I piled into a car and headed to…. Coney Island!  None of us had ever been, but we’d certainly watched the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest on ESPN enough times to know we were in for a wild scene.  It certainly did not disappoint.  We were close enough to witness firsthand Joey Chestnut’s 10th victory and new world record of 72 hot dogs consumed in 10 minutes, but not so close that we could see the veins bulging on his forehead like you can on TV.  A perfect balance.  We watched fireworks over the East River standing on the FDR with several million of our neighbors.  VERY different from any July 4th I’ve experienced in the past, but equally American in its own way!



On Broadway… We saw Kevin Kline in Noel Coward’s Present Laughter just before it closed last week.  He was extraordinary in an incredibly demanding role– I was exhausted just watching him!  Fun fact: we went to the same elementary school, so we have loads in common.  When it comes to lighthearted evenings in the theater, classic farce cannot be beat.


On the road… If you have upcoming travel plans that include accepting the hospitality of others, brush up on your etiquette of the 10 Rules Every Houseguest Should Follow This Summer.  Definitely don’t forget #10!


In the kitchen… Okay, not really.  Since we’re staying with my parents for a few weeks in the city, I haven’t wanted to impede on their kitchen space too much and have been relying on takeout more than usual.  I have been going HARD at the Whole Foods prepared foods bar recently.  I love nothing more in the summer than eating a massive bowl of vegetables prepared in interesting ways.  Given the large amount of water weight in veggies and the pay-per-ounce structure, my wallet does not agree.


On TV… I was so entertained by this piece on how the networks are rooking Nielsen’s ratings system.  I can’t say I admire the practice– it definitely leaves a bad taste in my mouth– but I do give them an A+ for creativity.


In the studio… Moving to New York couldn’t stop me from my usual Bar Method routine, but I was a little nervous about starting at a new location.  After two weeks of classes in Soho I’m settling in and learning more about the studio’s vibe and how it differs from the others where I have taken, and I think I’m starting to get the hang of things.  It is interesting the extent to which Bar Method classes are so alike across the country, yet each retain their own personality.  I’m trying a class in the Brooklyn studio this weekend just for kicks, too!
