
The Internet Absence

Posted on November 5th, 2017

How are you?  It’s been a while!  The past few weeks have been a time of adjustment and activity.  I’ve really, really missed sharing on this platform and the creative outlet it provides, but truthfully, I did not feel like I could deprioritize anything else (including sleep!) to carve out the time to create content I wanted to share.  I thought I would check in as this low key weekend winds down!  Here is what I’ve been up to in my internet absence:



I started a new job.  Obviously, getting in a groove with my role and company (and the daily commute into NYC) has taken most of my time and mental energy.  Being at a start up is a completely different challenge, but I’m really loving my broader book of work, the fast-paced, efficient culture, and the variety of experience… and the product, too :-)



I signed up for another marathon.  Ian and I will be running 26.2 miles to support JDRF again in January, and we’ve been pounding the pavement and logging the miles to get ready.  (+ Bar Method… always Bar Method)


I stepped up my volunteering.  I’ve been pretty focused on working with JDRF since graduating college, but I know there are so many fantastic organizations doing incredible work.  I wanted to diversify my experience by learning from other perspectives, approaches, practices, etc.  The Junior League supports a myriad of groups, provides excellent member training, and offers social opportunities in my new community, too.  I’ll be wrapping up my provisional membership period at the end of the year, and am looking forward to exploring new areas in 2018.  (Don’t worry– JDRF has not been neglected!)



I traveled to two weddings (+ one bachelorette party), and was particularly honored to stand with my best friend when she married her groom in St. Louis last weekend.  My jaw was on the floor when the bouquets were delivered to the suite where Hannah’s bridal party was getting ready!



We made more progress on house design.  We’re expecting the permits back for our renovation any minute now, and have been combing the internet for inspiration, products, and designs that will make this old house into our perfect first home.  The kitchen pictured above (source here) has a similar layout and several elements we’ll be using in our kitchen, too.


I started reading more.  The commute on Metro North is perfect for reading, something I freely admit I have not done enough in the past few years.  I’m currently reading Here I Amand would love if you would share your recommendations with me for my new pick.


On the one hand, September feels so long ago, but on the other hand, I can’t believe the holiday season is right around the corner (and in my industry, it’s here!!).  I’m definitely packing as much as I can into each day, but am reaping the rewards of a very full and very happy life.


PS Just a reminder that you can always follow me on Instagram for more real time life updates!