
Run Disney

Posted on January 12th, 2016

After the New Year, most people wind down and take it easy.  They try to fall into healthy routines, and have a little recovery following holiday festivities.


Instead, we went to Disney World.



We had been planning this trip since the summer, when Ian and I signed up to fundraise for Team JDRF through running the half marathon during the Disney World Marathon Weekend.  JDRF is our most important cause, we had super special memories of our first trip to Disney World together a few years ago, and we have been looking for a half marathon to run together.  Conditions were perfect.


We took the red eye on Thursday night (woof), but arrived at Disney World bright-eyed and bushy-tailed on Friday morning.  By which I mean we were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed after we got coffee in the Magic Kingdom.



We dropped off our bags at the Grand Floridian (the best!!), and once they found out about our engagement they gave us the sweetest buttons, which we were happy to wear throughout the weekend.




Friday we got in some time at Epcot before meeting up with some special friends for a pre-race Pasta in the Park dinner… They could not get over my ring!



Saturday morning we were up at 3am to head to the race. The course starts at Epcot, runs around the lagoon and through the Magic Kingdom, past the Polynesian and Grand Floridian resorts, and back to Epcot. Disney does a fantastic job making it fun, with marching bands, characters, choirs, and numerous other spectacles to entertain you as you go by. There were so many special moments during the run, but for me, the best was turning the corner during mile 6 and chasing my Prince Charming towards the castle up a Main Street lined with cheering spectators as the sun rose.




Saturday and Sunday were filled with more park hopping, and I discovered a new favorite ride (looking at you, Seven Dwarfs Mine Train!).  It’s certainly not our usual behavior, but with our new medals Ian and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity for a little matching action.



If you’re wondering why I look so tired that I can barely keep my eyes open… it’s because I was.


Sunday night I had the chance to get drinks with Shelby of Lucky Day Blog!  Shelby and I have been pen pals for a year (she just gets my love of paper!), and it was amazing to finally meet in person.  If only we didn’t live 3,000 miles apart…



We left on Monday, but we know we’ll be back soon.  Although Ian is trying to talk me into running the full marathon next year… help!!




We’ve been so lucky to already have several fun adventures in 2016, and can’t wait for more on the way.  The only thing that is really up in the air is how long we can continue to use the excuse “we just ran a half marathon” to justify all of our nutritional excuses.




Too pretty to eat?  No such thing.
