Sunday Snapshot- May 3
Posted on May 3rd, 2015
It’s peony season!
Flowers are one of my #1 indulgent purchases– no one needs flowers, but particularly from March-October I make sure to have some on hand for my own personal enjoyment. Peonies are a floral highlight (I particularly love peony scented anything), and my heart started beating a little faster when I spotted my first ones this week. High class products coming to the corner bodega!
When I am able to make the time, I prefer to skip the subway and walk the three miles home from work. Normally I walk up Fifth Avenue (window shopping + Central Park combination), but I was feeling adventurous this week so I walked up Madison. I don’t know where one would even wear this kind of gown (seems a little much for my 24th birthday dinner), but I couldn’t help wondering how it would feel to be that glamorous.
Speaking of beautiful rich colors, we were headed to meet a friend earlier this week, so I texted him to get his froyo order. Guess which one is mine?
Back in September, I had joined a committee with JDRF to help plan their One Night event. Our hard work paid off on Thursday with a fantastically fun and successful evening. I’m sure I will write more about JDRF another day, but as the leading non-government funder of Type 1 Diabetes research, it is an organization that is extremely near and dear to my heart. As it happens, One Night was pretty much my ideal experience. We planned a restaurant tasting event catered by about twelve different restaurants, complete with open bar and a band. Eating, drinking, and visiting with friends for four hours? Sign me up. My best friend from college, Kimberly, and my dad were nice enough to be my dates for the evening!
And since Kimberly was already here, she decided to stay the weekend! We did some shopping around yesterday, and visited CW Pencil Enterprise. As the name suggests, it pretty much sells one thing and one thing only. I prefer pen at this juncture in my life, but I imagine it would be a paradise for pencil connoisseurs.
I’m looking forward to a slightly abbreviated week with a fun trip at the end, but whether you’re sticking to your usual routine or shaking things up this week, remember….