
Procrastination Station- May 20

Posted on May 20th, 2015

Since I am preparing for a move, I have spent a lot of time thinking about my dream home.  Which, of course, this apartment will not be, mainly because I’m twenty-three and have not yet won the lottery.  But that doesn’t stop be from surfing the internet like a WASPy housewife in her forties.  One of my favorite designers to drool over before checking prices, laughing to myself, and closing the tab, is Katie Kime.


I think of her as the lucite queen, but she released some fabulous new wallpapers/textiles this week, too.  Trying to figure out how to have something done with the ginger jar print… maybe a potholder would be in budget?   These next couple of articles follow the seasons of life…   It’s graduation season for many, and I got a kick out of Veronica’s reflections on Forever 21 in her post-grad life.  I was never very into Forever 21 just because I found the experience too much of a sensory overload, but I could still appreciate these sentiments.  Post-grad problems are real, y’all.



This next one is a cryer in the best possible way.  Erin at Elements of Style announced recently that, after struggles with IVF, she is pregnant!  So exciting.  What was even more adorable was the post her husband, Andrew, wrote to share his thoughts on their big news.  The sweetest and most perfect sentiments.



And finally, a piece for you to read and reflect on about what happens at the end of our lives.  Sandy Bem was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and developed (and ultimately executed) a plan to end her life before she lost control.  Whether or not you agree with her decisions is up to you (I’m still a little on the fence), but as usual, the New York Times Magazine does a great job presenting a complex narrative.
