
Sunday Snapshot- June 7

Posted on June 8th, 2015

Ready for your grainy glimpse at my week?



We got the tough stuff over with at the beginning.  My week began in New York with packing and moving.  Since we didn’t take any furniture from my New York apartment, it made the most sense to just pack up a bunch of boxes and ship them to Seattle via FedEx.  What did not make the most sense was transporting them 1/4 mile in the rain to the shipping center, but that didn’t stop us.  Thanks to the generous porters in my building who lent us the hand truck they use for moving trash (…), multiple trips, and trash-bags-turned-tarps, we made it!



Celebrated my last night in NYC with some dear friends!  …none of whom actually live in New York.  I’m lucky enough to have gotten close to Ian’s roommates in the past four years, and before we scatter to all parts of the globe, some of us were able to enjoy a Last Supper together.  Yes, I’m wearing my dad’s raincoat.  Menswear inspired fashions are in.



I flew to St. Louis to kick off my mini summer break on Tuesday!  I was greeted by a darling puppy with an ACL injury.  Gracie loves to go on walks with my mom and me more than anything in the world, and we just couldn’t bear to leave her behind now that she’s out of commission.  Thank goodness we still have this trusty wagon!  Gracie doesn’t really get what’s happening, except that now she’s even more sure she’s the queen of the world.



I’m not one for Instagramming food– least of all #foodintheair– but I admit it.  I got sucked into the hype of National Donut Day.  After our Friday morning workout class, we trooped over to Strange Donuts to partake.  I love a good holiday, don’t you?



The best part of being home is seeing the ones you love!  With Lexi here, I never want to leave.  We met up on Saturday night to watch the Belmont over gin & tonics.  Luckily, horse races are very short, so there’s plenty of time for general catching up.


Looking forward to a few more days at home before heading west!  My next Sunday Snapshot will be coming to you live from the Pacific Northwest.  Crazy how much can change in a month!


