
Procrastination Station- August 19

Posted on August 19th, 2015

I know I’m generally incredibly subtle about my love of navy so you probably had no idea, but in terms of colors navy reigns supreme.  Mackenzie posted about this navy kitchen last week, and I can’t stop staring.  Ta-da!



Just kidding.  That’s the before photo.  Wait until you see the after!!!



With eight workouts a week, I go through a lot of activewear.  90% of each laundry load is spandex.  Town & Country took a stab at building imaginary workout wardrobes for style icons.  Audrey Hepburn would fit right in at my barre class!



Since I went to an urban college, we didn’t exactly have the sorority mansion you see in movies (but I loved our house!).  Southern Living compiled a list of the best sorority houses in America.  Can postgrads move in?


The Washington Post has been up to some good shenanigans lately.


My whole job is big data, so I definitely geeked out over this map of America, which is color-coded by natural livability.  Minnesota is looking a little bleak…



Regardless of what you think of politics, presidential elections always bring spectacle.  I was a political science major so while I definitely like the academic side of politics, I love when people are a little irreverent, too.  Jimmy Kimmel knows irreverent, and he roped Josh Groban into a staged operatic singing of Donald Trump’s tweets.  See for yourself!


FYI, Donald.  I am a (decently) thin person who drinks Diet Coke.
