
2017 Themes: Connections

Posted on January 9th, 2017

Hello from Disney World!  We are winding down an incredibly meaningful trip, but are currently snuggled at the hotel watching the Alabama/Clemson game in our pajamas, so I thought I’d sneak in another quick New Years post.


While I take no issue with others making them, I tend not to go in for the traditional New Years resolutions. There are several reasons for this, not the least of which is that I’m already a neurotic crazy lady and am not looking for more reasons to encourage this tendency. I also believe every day is a new day with new choices and the chance to be the kind of person you want to be. That being said, I still like to use the new year to reflect on my priorities and what I can do to match my actions to my intent.  Looking forward, a few big themes come to mind.  One of these is the idea of connection with my tribe.



When I reflect on my happiest memories, they’re all centered around people. I spend a lot of time investing in my relationships with others, but that’s because they bring me so much joy.  This year, I want to make sure I continue creating opportunities for connecting and being together.  Some of this carries over from last year; some are new initiatives.


  • Send 30+ birthday cards- I’m already pretty good at this one, fueled largely by my love for buying stationery.  Three sent so far!
  • Text my brothers more often- My parents and I talk on the phone very frequently, but now that my brothers are older and living their own lives, keeping up with my parents doesn’t guarantee I’ll be up-to-date on their lives.  I want to make sure we have strong relationships moving into our adult lives– but we’ll see if they text me back!
  • Travel somewhere new to visit friends or with friends- Ian and I value the experiences travel brings, and they are always enhanced by sharing them with your favorite people.  Living so far away makes this an even bigger area of opportunity.
  • Take it to the next level with an acquaintance- You know those people you always see and say “we should get drinks sometime!”?  I want to actually do that at least once!
  • More low key entertaining- We love to have people over, but at times I get a little too invested and overwhelmed with bring the perfect hostess and creating the perfect experience.  I’m trying to remember that the time together is the important part, not the exact timing of the canapés I put out during the football game or that the meal is nutritionally balanced.  If doing more potlucks or more mini-catering allows us to have more relaxed and enjoyable gatherings, I will try to welcome it with open arms.
  • Just check in- I want to keep the dialogue open and the sense of support and connection alive by just saying hi!  Whether via text, a phone call, or a dinner date, there’s no substitute for saying, “how are you?” and actually listening to the answer.


Unlike scary intimidating new years goals, these are all things I’m excited about– it sounds fun!– so I feel set up for success.  I know focusing on relationships has potential to bring joy to the me and the people I care about, so I’m hoping for a win-win situation and for many, many more happy memories with others.
