
Friday Five

Posted on January 13th, 2017


*shirt link here, other cities available


Watching… football.  The Seahawks play tomorrow, so the Seattle 12s are decked out for Blue Friday.  We’re assembling our squad of transplants to watch the game at a bar.  Trying to blend in!


Planning… for a quick trip to San Francisco.  My parents have to be in San Francisco for business at the end of the month, and they invited me down to hang out with them.  I have spent very little time in the Bay Area, so I’m excited to explore.  Any recommendations?


Crying over… true bromance at its best, and the internet’s interpretation.  Even watching the coverage on the Today Show this morning made me a weepy mess on the treadmill.  So much of politics is divisive, and it’s a wonderful reminder that sometimes these shared experiences can bring people together and forge deep bonds, too.


Shopping… for swimsuits.  More on this later, but wish me luck.  I have about a month to pick a winner, and between now and then I’ll model more swimsuits {in the privacy of my own home} than a Victoria’s Secret angel.


Listening… to Hamilton.  When I see a new musical, I like to have a clean palette and no expectations, so as much as it pained me I refrained from listening to the Hamilton soundtrack on Spotify before seeing the show in December.  The wait is over, and I can indulge in the pop culture phenomenon and bask in the intellectual creativity of Lin-Manuel Miranda like a normal millennial.


Enjoy your weekend!
