
Mohonk Minimoon

Posted on September 12th, 2016

Ian and I have a full honeymoon booked for February, but we wanted to take a few days to ourselves right after the wedding, too.  Personally, I think minimoons are genius– it’s like practicing for your real honeymoon without burning through all your PTO!  And having something to which to look forward during the gruesome late winter months is vital.


Anyway!  As I shared last year, my family has been visiting Mohonk Mountain House in the Hudson Valley since 1994.  (Before they built a world-class spa.  I’m a Mohonk #hipster) It was exactly the kind of place we were looking for– relatively easy to get to (one direct flight to New York + 90 minute drive), all inclusive when you get there, gorgeous scenery, and a great mix of activities and relaxation opportunities.  As much as I love the idea of lounging on a beach endlessly, I’m actually not great at sitting still too long, so the balance is vital.


Obviously, it was a place that already had meaning for me, but I had never before gotten to share it with Ian, but I knew he would completely love it.  Ian was a camp counselor when he was younger, and with the various boating, swimming, hiking, horseback riding, running trails, tennis, etc. offerings, Mohonk is pretty much just like summer camp for the whole family.  The resort is housed in a Victorian castle on a lake built 150 years ago, so the setting is infectiously romantic.



That last picture is the view from our balcony, which was outfitted with two wooden rocking chairs.  Bliss.


The time spent together was the best part, whether we were eating or sitting in the sunshine or swimming or eating or canoeing or playing tennis.  Or eating.  On our second morning, we took a hike to the top of the mountain at 5am so we could be there when the sun rose.  It was such a special, peaceful moment, and it made me so excited for the other adventures to come.


Also, we saw our first ever bear during the first run we took as a married couple.  I haven’t heard back from my palm reader yet, but I’m pretty sure it’s a good omen.

Wedding Wednesday: Old, New, Borrowed, and Blue

Posted on September 7th, 2016

The #NightingaleNuptials have come and gone, but wedding blog posts live on.  There were many things I chose not to divulge before wedding that I’m happy to document now, and (shocker!) I’m now a bit more educated about the wedding process given that I have actually had one.  I promise I’m not living in the past.  Well, just a little, privately, in my head.


Lore dictates that a bride’s accessories on her wedding day incorporate something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.  It is so much more special to pick things that have meaning or sentimentality (as if weddings don’t have enough of that already!).  Definitely the funnest accessorizing ever, and I also love that using items with history and purpose supersedes the materialistic tendencies that can plague a wedding.  I ended up really happy with the things I used.





Something Old- The earrings and brooch set originally belonged to my great-grandmother, who passed them to my grandmother, and they now belong to me.  In wearing them, I took pride in feeling like I was honoring their legacies. Pearls are very much a part of my aesthetic anyway (you had no idea, right?), and I pinned the brooch on the sash for a little sparkle on my otherwise-very-simple dress.  The earrings are pretty, but vintage clip-ons… ouch!


Something New- My veil.  I opted for something simple and classic with this chapel-length tulle choice during the ceremony.


Something Borrowed- Triple strand pearl bracelet, which my dad gave to my mom on the occasion of my birth.  Perfect in every way.


Something Blue- This can be hard to pull off without getting a little gimmicky, but I ended up having two things that kind of counted.  As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I ordered this blue Oscar de la Renta stationery and used it to document the personal vows I wrote to Ian.   My parents also surprised me with the most beautiful beaded clutch with my new monogram in navy blue beading.  I was a little superstitious about the whole new monogram thing, so I made sure not to touch it until the ceremony was over!  The inside of the clutch (pictured above) is the best part– a secret reminder of the best day of my life.  I’ve already used it about ten times since the wedding, too!


I love to hear about the sweet items other people incorporated into their big day.  What did you use, or are you planning to use?

Final Farewell to #5

Posted on September 5th, 2016

This year, the end of summer brought with it a particularly poignant end of an era.  Whether I was living on the East Coast or West Coast, St. Louis was my home base.  My parents are finally relocating to Manhattan, and my childhood home will be torn down.  I am so excited for their next chapter, but it was sobering to wake up in my room this morning for the final time (…at 4am.  Because I couldn’t stop thinking about how it was the final time).  Last night, my parents, Ian, and I (and Gracie!) dug out a quality bottle of champagne for a farewell toast to our home in the garden.



A house is defined by a building or a structure, but a home is defined by people and a feeling.  Those two have been unusually intertwined and tied to this place throughout my childhood, but as we say goodbye to our house, we look forward to the next time we are all home together, wherever that may be.


So long, St. Louis.  I Miss{ouri} you already.

Wedding Wednesday: The To Do List

Posted on August 10th, 2016





Two weeks from today, I will be home in St. Louis for my wedding.  Ian and I will get our marriage license, relax a bit at the pool, and enjoy a quiet dinner with my parents and grandparents.  My friend Gillian gave us this adorable wedding countdown calendar, and I open each new window with a simultaneous rush of joy and terror.

17 days before a wedding, the pieces of the puzzle are locked into place.  It’s probably too late to decide you want a doughnut bar instead of a naked 4-tier cake, or that the Carolina Herrera dress from Spring 2017 is actually The One*. But as I look at my to do list, there are still a zillion things to do.  Here’s what I’m trying to tick off in the coming days:

Wedding weekend outfits:  The Dress was secured months ago, and even my rehearsal dinner dress has been locked in for a while, but I plan on looking cute (and mildly bridal) the whole week.  These Lisi Lerch earrings arrived yesterday, and while I know I’ll wear them to the rehearsal dinner, I’m definitely hoping to incorporate them into other looks too!  I just ordered this dress, which I’m hoping will work for something…

Ordering welcome bag goodies:  Some of what we’re including is perishable and we also wanted to wait until we had the airtight RSVP counts before ordering, but we’ve been pulling the trigger this week.  I love to think of our travel-weary guests getting the hotel and finding a bit of reprieve, so these have been fun to construct!

Seating charts:  Ian and I spent a good four hours on this over the weekend, so I think we’re pretty locked in on table assignments.  Next up: who sits next to whom.  Objective: minimize social tension.  Strategy: No one mention Donald Trump.

Practice the first dance:  We’re not going the choreographed route, but we’re hoping not to look like two total buffoons.  Wishful thinking, likely. Regardless, we’ll be deliriously happy.

Write vows:  Saying the traditional wedding vows was important to us, but we will also be saying a little something personal, too.  I’m actually using this stationery to document my vows, which will become my Something Blue!

Write thank you notes:  For my bridesmaids, for my parents, and for a few of the most important vendors who made it all possible.  You can never say thank you too often, and I have a lot for which to be grateful.

Final vendor touch bases:  Our wedding planner is amazing about all of this, but checking in with the florist, photographer, chefs, etc. makes sure everyone is on the same page.

Getting my engagement ring cleaned– and resized!  My engagement ring is perfectly sized for my hand right now, but the last thing I want is to swell up like a balloon in the humid St. Louis heat and be stuck at the altar unable to get my ring over my anxious, stressed sausage fingers.  I’ll be getting it made half a size bigger next week to avoid any potential disasters.

Making a photos list:  I’m not the kind of bride who sends my photographer a list of Pinterest pictures she wants to recreate (not even this one), but it helps to provide some guidance and structure so a photographer knows what’s important to you.  I don’t want to make it through the night and realize I forgot to take a picture with my grandparents!

Compulsively checking the weather:  No explanation needed.

I know it will all get done, and I’m lucky to have a lot of people in my corner who are just as excited as I am for the celebrations.  In the meantime, lots of deep breaths and espresso will do the trick!

*Okay, but have you seen the Carolina Herrera Spring 2017 collection?  Because it probably is The One.

Opening Ceremony Viewing Party

Posted on August 8th, 2016

From underneath the clouds of nasty domestic and international politics, the Olympics burst forth as a most welcome ray of sunshine.  I always love the Olympics, and they feel particularly poignant this year.  Ian and I were excited to do our part in ushering them in with an Opening Ceremony viewing dinner party this past Friday evening.  Eighteen of our friends came over wearing red, white, and blue, and noshed on our all-American food while witnessing the spectacle in Rio.


Not very #blogger of me, but I didn’t want to interrupt our guests’ experiences, so our photo situation is a bit limited, but I captured a lot of the food and that’s the important part, don’t you think?






Greek yogurt caramelized onion dip was a fabulous start.  This recipe is actually quite healthy, and serving it with a mix of veggies and kettle chips enabled guests to pick their crunchy poison.  We also started with my signature mini pigs in a blanket because mysterious meats and Pillsbury dough is incredibly American.


I worked all day on Friday, so I knew the main course needed to be something I could get going in the slowcooker in the morning.  Pulled pork, duh.  Four pounds of meat turned into the perfect amount of leftovers.  How darling is this Draper James platter?  Red, white, and blue fruit salad and apple coleslaw paired nicely with a corn pudding and Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets.  Yes, we did.


And the goodness in the frosty mason jar?  Chunks of watermelon frozen in vodka.  Served with Fresca (basil or mint optional), it’s a light, refreshing, and crazy easy summer cocktail.





Even though baking is my favorite, I decided to leave the centerpiece of this dessert spread to one of my favorite professionals, Alexis of Baked by Lexie.  If you’re in the Seattle area, let me assure you she is the best, and if you’re not, she ships nationwide!  (Let her know I sent you!)  Her cookies are not only gorgeous, but taste fabulous.  Combined with sweet PB&J pretzel sandwiches and a Patriot Popcorn mix, we may have saved the best part for last.


Let the games begin! The only event in which I’ll be competing is Olympic Hostessing, and I’m going for the gold.

Wedding Wednesday: Invitation Acclamation

Posted on July 27th, 2016

When we started this event design process with Nico & Lala, I knew we wanted to balance two classic prints that are near and dear to my heart: stripes and toile.  Our Save the Date introduced those elements to our guests right off the bat, and it was our chance to be whimsical and have a little fun.  We had stickers, we had a die cut, we had a hidden message on our liner, and we had a full plate of print.


But when it came to the wedding invitation, I wanted the design to drift a bit back towards the traditional.  The way Nicole and Lauren honored that sentiment while maintaining the key aesthetic elements of our event made me literally squeal in joy.  (Really.  There are witnesses.)


Take one look, and I’m sure you’ll agree…




Be still, my beating heart.


A few little details that make our design complete and us:

  1. The ribbon closure.  I’ve always been a bows and ribbons kind of girl– it’s on our crest, too– and having the satin ribbon accent that was so representative of our classic tendencies and my personal taste felt perfect.
  2. Nightingales on the lettering.  I expect we’ll see more of this touch brought through in a few other wedding design elements, but it’s a perfect little way to highlight the dual Nightingales/Lovebirds.
  3. The St. Louis toile.  Our hometown continues to mean SO much to us.  The way they captured it in a custom version of my favorite pattern really moves me.  To keep the look understated, it just appears on the back of the invitation, a little personal pop of print.
  4. A slightly cheeky missive.  Some guests are excited by the opportunity to dress formally for a black tie wedding, but for others, a black tie wedding can be intimidating.  We tried to keep the mood light with a little illustration and an instruction that makes it clear that you can (and will!) have fun in a tux.
  5. Thermography printing.  Okay, so imagine you’re reaching your hand through the computer screen and stroking the invitation.  You would notice that the printing on the invitation feels vaguely three dimensional, with the logo/text/border slightly raised.  I always liked the look and feel of embossed and engraved invitations, but when I started researching printing styles for our own suite, I realized I liked thermography even more.  Which is handy, because since it skips the plate-making process, it is considerably more budget friendly!


We all have little things that we are probably too invested in, and paper products are one of mine.  I love that opening an invitation is a glimpse into the world you will be creating for your guests.  And in this case, I love the idea that their excitement and anticipation is stemming from a first impression that is so personal, so thoughtful, and so befitting the tone we’re setting.

Recent Recipes

Posted on July 26th, 2016

Another round up of recent recipes!  I love playing with summer flavors, and the grill we have on our deck at our new apartment has made that easier than ever.  A lot of the meals I have been making recently have really just been “drizzle produce with olive oil, salt, and pepper, grill, eat, the end”– not worth a recipe.  But I’ve had a lot of fun exploring more legitimate recipes in our new kitchen, too.  Some highlights:



Peach Pulled Pork with Apple Slaw– This is by far the easiest pulled pork recipe I’ve ever made, which is absolutely worth something, although I do think other recipes have offered a bit more flavor.  We actually loved the slaw!  So many coleslaw recipes call for a gallon of mayo, so it was awesome to find a lighter preparation.


Peach & Prosciutto Flatbread– Sensing a theme?  I want peach everything, all day, every day.  When I can sneak it into a savory recipe, it’s all the better!


Chicken Caesar Burger– Who knew ground chicken should have so much flavor?  Who knew parmesan crisps were so easy to make?  I grilled these on the barbecue, ditched the bun and lettuce wrapped these and added thick, juicy slices of tomatoes, so it was basically like the love child of a Caesar salad and a hamburger.  A gorgeous mix.


5 Minute Romesco Sauce– Remember all that produce we should be eating in the summer?  This sauce is a perfect supporting cast member.  Incorporating the almonds sounds unexpected but adds an extra protein/healthy fats kick, so eating only zucchini for dinner feels less weird.


PF Changs Lettuce Wraps– I promise these were just as tasty, if not more so, than the version you order at our favorite faux Chinese restaurant.  And meaningfully healthier, too!


Chilled Black Bean and Corn Salad– Last night’s dinner! I made a big batch of this, and while a larger portion makes a perfect dinner, a smaller serving is excellent as a side dish (and on the menu here tonight, too!).  I think cherry tomatoes would be a wonderful addition.


Chicken Guacamole Burger– I tried to skip the egg and cook these on the grill.  Don’t be like me.  Food bloggers know what they’re doing; I know how to cut corners.  (The flavors were DELICIOUS, but the texture was entirely wrong)  Again, ground chicken is totally transformed into something much more edible than its usual cardboard presentation.


Crust-less Spinach and Feta Pie– I got down from my Quiche Queen throne to give this pie a try, and I’m glad I did!  The cheese is (obviously) the shining star.


And because I like to keep it real…


I tried this Green Pea and Chickpea Falafel Recipe, and it was so bad that we threw it away and ate popcorn for dinner.


I find new recipes almost every day, so follow this Pinterest board to see what I’m making for dinner, this board to see what I’m making for dinner parties, and this one to see what my stand mixer is up to.

Summer Semi-Professional

Posted on July 25th, 2016

As I’ve mentioned in other posts, the attire vibe at my office isn’t formal, but definitely necessitates looking put together.  In the summer, I rely heavily on a go-to uniform to achieve that balance while staying comfortable.  It’s a very simple 4-part formula: dress + cardigan + statement necklace + wedges/heels.  Out the door and ready to conquer the world!  Or at least provide actionable insights to support marketing optimizations.



Dress // Cardigan // Necklace (similar) // Shoes


I have dresses from a myriad of retailers at different price points, but I find that J. Crew Factory is pretty reliably a good source of versatile dresses that last with very reasonable price tags.  I have a version of this wool/flannel dress that I’ve been wearing basically every month of the year for several years, and it is in fantastic condition.  The dress I’m wearing in this post is a very similar silhouette, but with an even more comfortable thick cotton fabric.


I like the look of big, cozy cardigans over dresses in the spring and fall, but in the summer (especially where most of you live!) these little 3/4-sleeve numbers suffice.  I have this cardigan in five colors, although it’s definitely a fitted cut, so size up if you want a little breathing room.


This particular necklace I got lucky and scored during a Kate Spade surprise sale, and I have found myself reaching for pale pink necklaces second only to pearls this spring and summer.  Other good options here, here, here, here, and here!  These blush accessories go well with so much– black, navy, green, burgundy, ivory… Pantone definitely got it right.  Burgundy + blush is a newer color combo for me, but I plan on taking it straight into fall.


And don’t miss this watch in the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale!  I loved my gold Kate Spade watch and much of my jewelry is yellow gold, but now that my engagement ring and (soon!) wedding band are white gold, it’s awesome to have one watch I can wear with everything that ties all metals together.  It even has hints of rose gold, so all your bases are covered.


Where do you look for wear-to-work clothes?  What’s your summer office style?


Click for details on this post below:


Wedding Wednesday: First Looks

Posted on July 21st, 2016

Before I dove into wedding planning, the biggest decisions in the process felt like they were centered around logistics: are you having a destination wedding, where will you hold the reception, who will perform the ceremony, etc.  But as I’ve gotten closer and closer to the big day, I’ve become acutely aware that the most meaningful decisions are actually around the moments you choose to create.  Will you ask a close friend to sing at your ceremony, who will give toasts at the reception, will your guests be surprised and delighted to see a fourth meal brought out when they are glistening on a sweaty dance floor… and will you share an intimate moment with your groom before the ceremony, or will you first lay eyes on one another when you’re standing at the top of the aisle, looking down at your beloved at the altar.


This was not an easy decision for us.  I had always envisioned we would opt for the more traditional route, as my parents and grandparents had done before us, but when I told my wedding planner, she presented the tradeoff: an awkwardly long cocktail hour for the guests, all of which we would miss while we took pictures.


Then I thought a little bit about the tradition, which dates back to the time of arranged marriages.  When a marriage was more of a transaction than a romance, a groom didn’t see his bride until the moment before (or sometimes after) they were married.  This was to keep the groom from changing his mind and bolting if he didn’t like what he saw!  Veils are rooted in the same practice, which is why I will not be wearing a blusher.  As much as I would have loved the feeling of seeing Ian from a distance moments before “I Do,” I realized any need I felt to adhere to that tradition was unfounded, and possibly even sexist.


So a First Look it is!  One upside?  Pictures like these!



one // two // three // four // five 

six // seven // eight // nine // ten


That last one is how I envision ours will go– I’ll be a weepy mess, and Ian will be laughing at me.


I’m still a little skeptical, so I’ll definitely report back with feelings on this after the fact.  On the other hand, the idea of a first look is growing on me to an extent.  I am completely aware of just how beautiful and fun but crazy and chaotic our wedding day will be, and the idea of sharing a special moment just with Ian to breathe and be present with one another sounds perfect.


But I still expect tears from the groom when I walk down the aisle.  Ian’s Best Man is bringing pepper spray just in case he needs to trigger them.  You can’t be too careful.

Okay It’s All White with Me

Posted on July 19th, 2016

As I mentioned yesterday, we moved into a new apartment (four whole blocks away!) during the last week of June.  Our new apartment is gorgeous, but the wall colors didn’t really jibe with our decor.  I very much viewed our last apartment like a rental, leaving the walls beige and brown, but I really wanted to make this place feel like home, so Ian encouraged me to do more to make it reflect out style.  Painting was a great way to set the tone!


Other than choosing an outrageous tangerine accent wall in my childhood bedroom, this was my first real experience with paint color selection.  We had a few atypical circumstances that provided some constraints:

  1. Our apartment is actually a condo that we are renting directly from the owners.  While we are so grateful to them for allowing us to paint at all, we needed to get their approval on color choices, and needed our colors to work for potential future tenants, too.
  2. Seattle is DARK in the winter.  Since it is so far north, the sun sets well before 5pm, and we can go weeks in thick gray clouds without actually seeing the sun at all.
  3. We did not start over from scratch on furniture– any design choices we make have to mesh with our blue couch and rich wooden table.


Combining these various elements pretty much left us with one obvious choice:  white.


I’m sure anyone living in a Manhattan rental, where white paint is the one and only truth and seen as endlessly boring, will laugh at our choice.  And I’m sure anyone who knows me will be surprised, given my love for vibrant color knows no bounds.  But at the end of the day, light reflection was most important to me, and nothing does the trick quite like white.


But did you know there are 1 zillion shades of white paint??  Thankfully, the amazing designers with whom I’m working gave me a list of their best tried and true white paints.  From there, we narrowed it down to two Benjamin Moore shades.


Images here, here, and here

The first was White Dove.  A shade that “conveys a lightness of spirit” (House Beautiful), White Dove is “clean, calm, and a great backdrop for art.”  The problem?  It conveys “a very faint taupe cast” (Doty Horn).  Taupe is suspiciously close to beigey gray, which is suspiciously close to a dreary Seattle winter.  Nix.  A good contestant though!


Images here, here, and here


Chantilly Lace stole our hearts!  And how could it not with superlatives like these:


“As delicate and refined as the lace it was named after, this crisp, clean white evokes images of pure silk, soft linen and simpler times.”


“You can’t go wrong with the white.”


“Stays nice and happy and fresh”


That last one is just what I need in my life.  Our local Benjamin Moore store was able to recommend a painter who started the very next day, and I have never been so happy to not see color.



A clean slate in every sense of the word!  Stay tuned to see more updates as we mold these white walls into a cozy, colorful home.